3 Indicators that Dental Crowns should be Swapped Out

August 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Elitedentalfv @ 7:56 am
Picture of a dental crown

Dental crowns are a reliable and long-lasting solution for protecting and restoring damaged teeth. However, like all dental restorations, crowns are not permanent and will eventually need to be replaced. Ignoring the signs that your dental crown requires replacement can lead to more serious dental problems. Here, we’ll discuss the key signs that indicate it may be time to consider getting a new crown.

Visible Wear and Tear

One of the most obvious signs that your dental crown needs replacement is visible wear and tear. Crowns are designed to endure the pressures of biting and chewing, but over time, they can begin to wear down. If you notice chips, cracks, or a general thinning of the crown material, it’s a clear indication that the crown is no longer providing adequate protection. A damaged crown not only fails to protect the tooth underneath but can also harbor bacteria, leading to decay or infection.

Discomfort or Pain

Another sign that your dental crown might need to be replaced is if you experience discomfort or pain in the area. While crowns are intended to fit snugly and protect the underlying tooth, changes in your bite, or the natural shifting of your teeth over time, can cause the crown to become misaligned. This misalignment can lead to pressure on the surrounding teeth or gums, resulting in pain. Additionally, if the crown no longer fits correctly, it may expose parts of the tooth to decay, causing sensitivity or sharp pain when eating or drinking.

Gum Recession Around the Crown

Gum recession around the crowned tooth is another key indicator that replacement may be necessary. Over time, gums naturally recede, which can expose the edges of the crown or the tooth beneath it. This exposure can create gaps where bacteria can accumulate, increasing the risk of decay and infection. If you notice that your gums have receded significantly or that there is a dark line near the gumline around the crown, it’s a sign that the crown is not sealing as it should. Replacing the crown can help protect the tooth and prevent further gum recession and associated dental issues.

About Our Practice

At Elite Dental of Fountain Valley, we believe that we should offer restorations that are not only strong and beautiful, but will last you for as long as possible. For that reason we endeavor to make our care effective and high-quality. We also want to get to know you as an individual, allowing us to make sure that you have the knowledge and support necessary to keep your smile in good condition.

If you have any questions about dental crowns, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (714) 962-4486.