If you’ve ever wondered how porcelain veneers got their start, their history is actually pretty fascinating! While some prosthetics like dentures and dental implants took centuries to perfect, the whirlwind tale of veneers is a bit different. Here’s their origin story, and how they’ve improved since their inception.
A Star is Born
Believe it or not, porcelain veneers got their start in Hollywood, just like so many talents of the stage and screen. They were developed by a local dentist named Charles Pincus, who with the help of the brothers behind Max Factor cosmetics, formulated a mixture of porcelain and powdered plastic that was molded into toothlike caps that fit over the teeth of their celebrity clients. The caps lasted about ten days, but they worked well enough and long enough to appear in the mouths of stars like Judy Garland and Bob Hope during filming.
Advances in Technology
By the 1950s, Dr. Michael Bunocore had created an etching process that created excellent bonding results for restorations and sealants. Etching is an acidic solution that is used to open the natural pores of tooth enamel and create a better surface for dental cement to bond to.
In the 1980s, R.J. Simonsen and J.R. Calamia found a way to combine the benefits of etching with the cosmetic features of veneers, and in 1982, veneers became a practical cosmetic dentistry solution for all patients, famous or not!
Modern Porcelain Veneers
Today, over 40 years later, veneers have continued to improve. They are now a safe, durable cosmetic option to correct damaged, worn, or discolored teeth. They can even fix minor spacing issues, and with proper maintenance, they can last up to 25 years or longer.
To care for your veneers, simply brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste, floss once a day, and visit your dentist twice a year for your regular, biannual exams and cleanings. Veneers are not only beautiful, they’re also durable and even resist stains, so that stunning white smile will last for years to come!
About Our Practice
At Elite Dental of Fountain Valley, we offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions to improve the appearance and function of your smile. If you’re ready for a smile fit for a star, we’re here to help with solutions like porcelain veneers. To schedule a consultation to discuss your cosmetic dentistry options, please visit our website or call us today at 714-962-4486.